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Create a 'Datum Curve' with the #From Equation option.

Below is an example equation that will generate a helical/spiral shaped curve based on a Cartesian coordinate system:

Where r is the cylindrical radius; theta is rotational angle; t varies from 0 to 1; z is the 'out of plane' height of the sweep

    You must use an Advanced Swept Blend for the solid sweep.

  • Feature > Create > Solid > Protrusion > Advanced > *Solid > Swept Blend > Done
    * Use Thin if the sweep is hollow
  • Choose Done (Sketch Sec/NrmToOriginTraj)
  • Choose Select Traj
  • Choose One by One, and select the curve. > Done
  • Pick Xvector > Done (Automatic doesn't work here)
  • Csys > Select the coordinate system you used for the equation
  • Select the Z-axis > OK
  • Accept the z-axis rotation of 0.00

Sketch the sweep's profile (Circle):

  • Done >
  • Pick Xvector > Done (Automatic doesn't work here)
  • Csys > Select the coordinate system you used for the equation
  • Select the Z-axis > OK
  • Accept the z-axis rotation of 0.00
  • Sketch the sweep's profile:

  • Done > OK